Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Breaking Free by Nikaia Mendoza

Besides travel and reading books I sometimes like to make poems. It all depends on  my mood though because sometimes it just makes it easier to let all your feelings out besides talking it to your friends or your families. So here is an example of my work and I hope you like it.

‘’ BreakingFree ‘’
By: Nikaia Mendoza of Grade 9 St. Paul

‘’You said everything is going to be okay,
But i’m still gonna run away,
With all the pain that you have caused me,
My heart is filled with it’s misery.

I just wanted to feel pretty,
Even just a day.
But you make me feel so ugly,
A worthless human as you say.

Are you embarrassed to be with me?
Why? Is it because of who i’am?
But how can it be?
When I did all I can,
Just so you’d be proud of me.

All I wanted was to be fit,
But it didn’t work your way isn’t it? 
I don’t blame you though,
So I decided to wipe my tears and let it go.

But no more fake smiles,
Cause I won’t be needing it for a while.
Like the bird i flee,

From the pain i’m breaking free.’’

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